Your Web and Your Phone
We develop simple telephony web APIs on the cloud that will enable you :

With The Aim to Democratize Communications
Via the telephone, making it easier, faster and less expensive than it has ever been.
2007.02Founded as MARIMORE LLC
2011.06Released EZSMS SMS Delivery Service
2013.07Saw the release of K-Premium
2014.02Released EZSMS's DialSMS service
2014.07Acquired FullCourt Inc, a provider of cloud telephony
2015.09Reborn as Xoxzo Inc, and released the new Xoxzo Cloud Telephony

Xoxzo is the telephony web API for web developers. Xoxzo provides functionalities such as SMS sending and receiving, carrier search, and making and receiving calls through web beautiful APIs. You can start right away with just a few lines of code.

We leveraged our knowledge of SMS delivery from our experiences of running SMS delivery services since 2007, and this has allowed companies and developers to incorporate SMS easily to their smartphone applications and services.
Digital Technology for Humans
The important parts and ingredients that make up our services and products.

We are human beings
Due to the way we work, we fully utilize digital technology, devices and online tools but we understand that it is another human being at the end, and that we are part of a larger community.

Customer data is important
Xoxzo is accredited with the PrivacyMark since 2013. Our customer's data is important to us and to our customers. We do not sell or use our customer's data in ways which we do not explicitly say in our privacy policy.

Because our customers do not see us all the time, we aim and practice for as much transparency as possible.

Keizoku kaizen
The world changes and so must we. We believe in progress and constant improvement.

Technology Supported by Our Own Patents
Tailor-designed for us, so we can better serve you.
Patent No. 4961058
Authentication System
- Granted on 2012-03-30
- Used by our One Time Address personal authentication system
Patent No. 4889813
Data Transaction System
- Granted on 2011-12-22
- Used by our SMS Delivery API service
Patent No. 6246303
Telephone Reception System
- Granted on 2017-11-24
- Used by our Dial In Number API service